Have you had a great sales run, with the wind at your back as you continue to sell and make money, only to have some event or holiday slow down your momentum? It's happened to all of us. I compare it to running at full speed down a field, and out of nowhere comes a patch of mud and tar, designed specifically to slow you down and make you work harder.
An example of this is the holiday season. For some industries, the end of the year is a great time to make those last minute sales and thin out inventories. But for others, it can be horrible. Let's face it, the holidays are about spending money on fun stuff, like electronics and clothes. No one is even thinking about buying insurance, unless they have to.
"I can't spend any money on life insurance because I have to buy Christmas gifts," is what I hear each year. (Nice priorities, by the way!)
Having been through this for a few years I now plan ahead. Instead of beating my head against a wall trying to get people to buy when they have no intention of buying, I use that time to book appointments for January. When I hear "Call me after the holidays" I just go ahead and book the appointment instead.
"I'm starting to book from now. Let me pencil you in my calendar," is my response.
Another instance when sales can drop is when something catastrophic happens. A terrorists attack or sudden financial crisis can make prospects head to the sidelines immediately. My real estate agent friends can tell you nightmare stories about the "lean years".
As happened during the 2008 "Great Recession", the realtors who survived hung in there, kept prospecting, kept in touch with their buyers and successfully adapted while grinding it out.
More recently, the pandemic made buyers change their priorities. As businesses shuttered their doors, others blossomed because they successfully pivoted to the changing situation. For example, I added many "self enrollment" features to my website to help clients who couldn't or didn't want to be seen in person.
The point of all of this is that as sales people, business owners and otherwise self-employed, we need to constantly be willing to adapt and be flexible. We are no longer doing business the way it was done 3, 5 or 20 years ago.
The mechanics of the sales process may change, such as web-based leads or Zoom meetings, but other obstacles in your path can be predictable if you have enough experience to see them coming ahead of time.
I suggest running a couple of "fire drills" in your head. For instance, knowing what you know, how would you handle another pandemic? Or how would you react to a weather emergency in your area that would affect you and your clients? Mental preparation can give you the best options when the time comes.
In a perfect world, sales would be predictable and you could avoid all of the indigestion and heartburn of the job. Until we reach that Utopian world of business, do as the Boy Scouts do and "Be Prepared"
Chris Castanes is a professional speaker who helps sales people succeed through workshops and humorous presentations. He's also the author of "You're Going To Be Great At This!", a humorous look at sales. For booking information, click here. He's also the president of Surf Financial Brokers selling life and disability insurance in several states.
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