In the previous post I discussed a few aspects of transactional selling as opposed to relationship selling. The "get in and get out" aspect of a quick transaction means that one doesn't necessarily have to build a rapport with a client at all. But is that a good thing?
When I worked for a large insurance company a years ago it was instilled into our brains that we had to build a relationship with our clients. That does not mean we had to be their friend or their confidant, but instead we were to learn about some of the client's interests, family issues and other information that we could draw sales from in the future, as relationship selling has shown to garner more repeat business from the client. Not only will people buy from you if they like and trust you, but they will continue to buy from you if you keep the rapport going.
But meaningful relationships are a two-way street, which means that you have to pull back the curtain and allow the client to see your world as well. That doesn't mean you have to share all of your family's dirty laundry, but you can discuss your child's upcoming soccer game or a spouse's volunteering at a food bank. Leave the negative stuff out and you'll still have plenty to talk about.
Another example of how transactional selling is growing is right in front of you as you read this: The internet! Industries that traditionally sold their products and services through relationships are now being faced with a change, or perhaps a splintering in their target market. A great example of this is my field of expertise, life insurance.Anyone who watches television has seen ads for life insurance. "Bob, 34, just bought a $1million policy for $18 a month," says the voiceover person. Or the elderly couple discussing their final expenses that can be covered for a mere $9.95 a month! There's always an 800 number or a website involved where one can call in and get a quote and even apply.
I have to admit, as an agent who was trained that relationship selling was the only way to sell policies, I was resistant to selling online. But given that these commercials are not going away, but in fact, more prevalent, I can only assume that people are actually good with purchasing their insurance in an impersonal way.
As such, I have also incorporated quoting engines and applications into my own website. If someone prefers to buy life insurance or a cancer plan without building a rapport, who am I to get in their way?
Marketing your products and services doesn't have to be done exclusively in one way or another. Instead of telling your client base that they have to buy "this way or get lost", offer another way that makes them comfortable.
Years ago I had an acquaintance who called out of the blue one evening and asked about a small policy to secure a loan. It was cut and dry. My sales manager insisted that I do a "fact finder" questionnaire, but there was no need to. Another veteran agent who I had discussed the case with said, "This job is hard enough. Take the path of least resistance and just sell the guy a policy without a fact finder."
The veteran agent was correct. The client would have been put off if I had insisted on going through that process when the client knew exactly what he needed and wanted. The sale was transactional, and it also led to other transactional sales with the same person. (People don't stop eating at fast food places because there is no rapport.)
With all of this in mind I have tried to keep an open mind. As a member of a few sales groups on social media pages, I see the discussions on one side or the other. The missing part of the discussion is whether the client has a buying preference one way or another. If the customer is happy buying over the phone, on the web or in a drive-thru window, why would anyone try to change that?
Chris Castanes is a professional speaker who helps sales people succeed through workshops and humorous presentations. He's also the author of "You're Going To Be Great At This!", a humorous look at sales. For booking information, click here. He's also the president of Surf Financial Brokers selling life and disability insurance in several states.
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