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Networking Successfully During the Pandemic

No matter what field you are in, networking is still an essential part of your success, even during this pandemic. Business owners, sales people and otherwise self-employed people already know how valuable networking is. I have always done well at networking events, finding contacts and fishing for referrals. And I've even been known to talk to strangers in stores and restaurants. 

These conversations have led to great sales opportunities and even friendships. A great example is meeting people when my trivia team competes at a local eatery. Getting to know the other teams through friendly competition has resulted in a few clients that I wouldn't have otherwise.

But with the Covid pandemic, almost all of my old networking opportunities have slowed down tremendously. So what are your options? 

You could try calling all of your current clients and ask for referrals, but that will get old real quick. Or you can try an advertising campaign, but that can be an expensive way to find out what works and what doesn't. Lastly you can create a group of "mavens" who will talk you up and send people to you on their own. 

That last choice obviously looks like the most attractive option. And it really isn't as difficult as it sounds. The secret is to focus on helping others before they help you. Keep in mind that others in your community are struggling as well. If you can give them referrals without them asking you to do so, they will think the world of you and, more than likely, want to return the favor. 

Do you know of someone wanting to sell their home? Refer them to a realtor who you have networked with in the past. Does a colleague need help with a website? Refer them to the web designer in your group. A friend of mine needed a specialized type of insurance so I referred him to a new insurance agency that had just opened a few weeks earlier. That agency sent me tons of business for years afterward because they were grateful that I was helping them get off to a good start. 

A few months back I got a new phone and started playing around with the video recorder. After a few minutes I decided to make a "commercial" for my friends at Chastain Media, who help me with my social media marketing. The end result was hilarious but they truly appreciated my efforts and even shared it on their Facebook page. Here it is.

Of course there are other ways to continue to network until we get back to "normal'. There are plenty of online networking groups, like which have gone virtual in many locations. All you need to do is type in your zip code and you can find various groups. Or you can just do a quick internet search of "networking groups in my area" to see what is available. 

Another way to find people is to work on your social media strategy. I have made the most of my downtime to look at what my competitors are doing on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. It doesn't take a lot of time to see what is clever and what is just copied and pasted. For me personally, I can see that Twitter isn't nearly as effective as Instagram and my new YouTube channel is a work in progress. 

Keep in mind that people want new and original content, so take a few minutes to learn how to make a meme or create graphics on My blog and other content has been shared virtually all over town because people think the information is useful (I hope) and a bit humorous. 

We can't all meet in a coffee shop right now, but in the meantime, find new ways to network. If you have any other ideas, please share them in the comment section. And please stay healthy!

Chris Castanes is a professional speaker who helps sales people succeed through workshops and humorous presentations. He's also the author of "You're Going To Be Great At This!", a humorous look at sales. For booking information, click here. He's also the president of Surf Financial Brokers selling life and disability insurance in several states.


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