When you meet with a prospective client do you have materials on hand the prospect can take with them? Business cards, brochures and assorted "swag" can be useful tools, but I have learned one effective way to make an impression while talking to the client.
Typically I meet clients through referrals or networking events. When I get an opportunity to meet with the prospect in a one-on-one setting it's usually in a coffee shop or a small diner. During this meeting I will give the prospect a tri-fold brochure with information about my business, website, testimonials and other "boiler plate" language. The most vital part of the brochure is the back cover, which is where I place a list of the products and services I offer.
I find that the best approach is to start off by introducing myself (if they haven't met me before) and get a conversation going. While doing that I hand them the brochure, showing the front with my contact information, and casually flipping it over to show the back. Sometimes the prospect will open it up to see testimonials and other information, but eventually they will look at the back.
When I first started trying this approach I noticed that the client would be looking over the brochure while I was talking. Initially I was trying to get their attention back to our discussion, but I soon realized that it was a good thing when they were scanning the brochure. The prospect would say something out of the blue like, "I didn't know you offered disability insurance. That's what I'd like to look at."
Instead of our original topic, we were now discussing something else, which in this case was a disability insurance plan. That was fine with me. I am happy to make a sale and the client found something that was the solution to their "pain point".
This idea has helped me close sales much quicker and increased my bottom line. My suggestion is to make yourself a nice tri-fold brochure and have it printed on quality paper (no one wants to deal with an amateur). When you meet your prospect you should have your brochure ready.
Chris Castanes is a professional speaker who helps sales people succeed through workshops and humorous presentations. He's also the author of "You're Going To Be Great At This!", a humorous look at sales. For booking information, click here. He's also the president of Surf Financial Brokers selling life and disability insurance in several states.
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