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A Sales Discussion With Keelin Eichert

When the Covid-19 pandemic struck earlier this year, many businesses were shuttered and their staffs were left without jobs. My friend Keelin Eichert was one of these people, but she took matters into her own hands, starting her own business as a business coach helping personal trainers grow their businesses. I recently had the pleasure of asking her about herself and how she is creating success in a small and somewhat specialized market. 

Thanks for taking the time to talk today. Tell me about your business.

I specialize in coaching personal trainers on how to sell themselves professionally and how to build and scale their business, whether their business is online, in a gym or at their studio. I started my own business because I was let go from my corporate job due to Covid-19 and I needed another income fast. My back was up against the wall and the only thing I was really good at was my corporate position! I ran multiple gym franchises' personal training departments and coached all of the personal trainers, so I figured since that if I am good on a corporate level, I can certainly do this on my own!

I know sales coaches who work for industries such as insurance or real estate, but I didn't know that there was a market for coaching personal trainers? Are there others or have you created a specialty market for yourself?

This is a great question! So yes, there are tons of coaches for real estate and insurance companies, but there are not many coaches for personal trainers, specifically in what I specialize in. There are only a handful of personal training coaches/mentors that help coaches build their business and create a sales funnel for their business. My specialty is so niche that you would have to be me in order to hold all of this information. I coach personal trainers on how to present themselves as professionals because there is a lot etiquette and room for mistakes. I also educate personal trainers not to just to sell themselves but how to mentally get over any objections that come their way. I teach them how to psychologically get over their clients falling off the books too. Personal training is such a large market, but there are not many coaches for personal trainers.

How are you attracting new clients to your business?

I connect with my main audience on Instagram and on LinkedIn! I do lots of engagement and post valuable content on my social media platforms, so people trust me and can see that I am an expert in what I do.

Do you do any networking?

Since I started my business during Covid-19 there have not been any networking events, but I am excited to go to some when we are able to. 

You seem very comfortable in front of a camera and it shows on your YouTube channel. Do you help your clients with their own video and social media presentations? 

Thank you so much! Yes, I am oddly very comfortable in front of a camera! I haven't help anyone yet, but I'm sure I can help anyone become more comfortable in front of the camera. I am adding this to my social media package.

Since you are training personal trainers, are they able to translate the information you use for their clients as well?

Yes, absolutely! I have a bulletproof program to success for each personal trainer I work with, which is very customized. If they need more help with role playing sale objections, for instance, I am there so the trainers can become more comfortable handling new ones with future leads. Also, I have partnered up with a personal training app that all of my personal trainers have access to so they can stay organized with their clients' programs. Whether it be for themselves or a client, I am there to make sure they have all the tools necessary and everything they need help with. 

How as the Covid-19 epidemic affected your business and how you prospect for new clients?

Actually the only thing I have been affected by personally was losing my corporate job. My business took off right away because I had a social media strategy and since many personal trainers have extra time off, they have time to learn and implement! There have also been a ton of new personal trainers getting certified and they want to get started the right way. They have reached out to me for that specifically. I prospect for all of my clients on social media, completely for free and I do not pay for any sales funnels or marketing. All of my clients have found me organically.

Do you have a routine each day?

Yes I do! I have a standard morning routine and a work routine. I live my life on a strict routine schedule.

What do you do to prepare for a new client?

Whenever I meet a new potential client for the first time I make it all about them. Every appointment has to be about them and their pain points so I can tailor a package that is specific for their needs. Every session is on Zoom and I have their personalized presentations ready. My presentations are customized for each trainer or gym, so I can guarantee their success. Everyone learns differently too, so if I am working with someone who is more analytical, I use more technical terms, versus someone who is more visual. Then I would do a more visual presentation so they can learn the information that way.

Has anything humorous or unusual happened so far?

Not about me, but my clients, oh yes. You see, being a personal trainer also involves being a psychologist, a doctor, a lawyers and a financial advisor. We cater to our clients' needs. Sometimes personal training clients get too close to their trainers and start leaking very private information about themselves or their partner. Some clients go to the extent of wanting to date their fitness coaches or set the coach up with their daughter or son. This happens quite frequently. 

Well, that is something I had never considered. On a different note, what are your short term and long term goals for your business?

My short term goal is to take on as many new clients as I can possible handle. Once I am at max capacity, I will be hiring a team to help me with my social media, as well as taking on some of my clients and manage the operations so I can continue to connect with personal trainers and gym owners. Ultimately I would like to work with every gym franchise possible and coach all of their personal training departments!

Thanks so much for taking the time to talk to us. I hope our readers can get a few takeaways. 

If you are interested contacting Keelin, she can be found on LinkedIn, Instagram and Youtube

Chris Castanes is a professional speaker who helps sales people succeed through workshops and humorous presentations. For booking information, click here. He's also the president of Surf Financial Brokers selling life and disability insurance in several states.  


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