Sales is hard enough, but can be even more difficult under pandemic conditions. And with many of us having to work home, the rules are changing. We know longer have the daily access of our co-workers for camaraderie or to bounce ideas off of.
I used to take advantage of the office setting when it was available to me. Having a cup of coffee with a colleague and listening to stories of success or failure with a client gave me the opportunity to use these stories as a way of living vicariously and to use the information for my own sales adventures.
More importantly, my co-workers and I would meet each morning and set some daily goals for activity and production. We would also hold each other accountable for the previous day's numbers. "Did you make the number of calls you said you would?" or "How many times did you close?" became frequent questions every morning.
Much like having a workout partner when you go to the gym, a sales accountability partner can help you keep your game plan in place, as well as push you to get out of your comfort zone. In my book I discuss 'commitment objectives" which are just small activity goals. This is the kind of information that can be shared with someone else.
Don't let the Coronavirus keep you from making the most of your sales performance. Find a way, whether Zoom or just a phone call each day, to meet with your fellow sales team members and have those discussions. Talk about new strategies you are implementing and any successes or failures you've had.
And of course, stay healthy.
Chris Castanes is a professional speaker who helps sales people succeed through workshops and humorous presentations. For booking information, click here. He's also the president of Surf Financial Brokers selling life and disability insurance in several states.
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