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Create A Need Pt 2

So we've learned to find a need for a problem. And if  we don't have a problem we can actually create one and the need for the solution. (See previous post on those crazy coat hangers!)  Now that we've created a need, we need to take care of the second step of this process - Create a sense of urgency!

Here's the predicament we have in sales . We have a product, which is some sort of a solution to a problem the client is having. The client acknowledges that there is a problem and, yes, they should fix it. But not right now. Maybe later. Call me in six months.

You put them in your tickler file because you don't want to come across as high-pressure or pushy. When you check on them in a few months they give you some lame excuse and still not taking action. What happened? Have you wasted your time dealing with a prospect who isn't going to buy?

Probably. When I have a long drawn out sale that never goes anywhere I do I a quick "autopsy" on my work. It is, after all, a dead deal. And the first mistake that jumps out at me is my failure to create a sense of urgency at the beginning of the process. When the prospect agreed with me that there was a problem that needed to be dealt with, I should have stressed the sooner the better.

Doctors always tell us that preventative medicine is better because you can find the problem before it festers and becomes much worse. In the insurance business, we call this "financial preventive medicine".  For example, a client doesn't have enough life insurance to cover his debts, which could be a huge burden to his family if he dies unexpectedly. "We've got to fix this now!" I say in front of his family. "For their sake!"

Let's face it. People can be flaky. And if we don't strike when the iron is hot, the client's interest will wane. As sales people we have to create deadlines, like "this deal will over at the end of the month" or "you can lock in this rate or wait and pay a lot more". By setting artificial deadlines we get the client to speed up the sales process.

If you don't make the sale now, you won't get paid now. And if you aren't paid, how will you pay your bills. You won't be able to tell the power company, "Money is coming soon. Check my tickler file."

Chris Castanes is a speaker who helps sales people succeed through workshops and humorous presentations. For booking information, click here.


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