We often get a business card from someone at a networking meeting with the intention of calling the person, only to put the card in our pocket and not following up. Maybe you lost the card or you put it on a desk with a pile of other cards. For whatever reason, the follow up never happens.

This is why we need a sales system. There are all kinds of systems out there, from expensive CRM's to spreadsheets to filing cards. There are basic elements to all of them so try a few out and see what works for you. In the meantime, here's what you need to know.
Need a speaker for your sales meeting or workshop? Check out www.ChrisCastanes.com

This is why we need a sales system. There are all kinds of systems out there, from expensive CRM's to spreadsheets to filing cards. There are basic elements to all of them so try a few out and see what works for you. In the meantime, here's what you need to know.
- Sales is a process. You don't typically meet someone and sell them something immediately. You'll need to aggregate your prospects and move them through the process. If you have lots of prospects (and I hope you do), they'll eventually be at different stages. You'll be trying to just get appointments with some while others will be ready to close. Much like juggling, keeping track of all of your prospects and clients can be difficult.
- You'll want to input new prospects and referrals immediately. In my book, I mention that referrals are like fish, in that they start to go bad after a few days. And the odds of you remembering where they are in the process will diminish as time passes.
- A decent sales system will have reminders and a place for notes. If someone asks you to call back in six months, will you remember all of the particulars of what they needed? You will if you can glance back at any notes you made.
- Once a prospect becomes a client, you will still want to keep them in your system. I like to call a client once a year or so to check in, see if they have any questions or concerns, or just to see if they have any referrals for me. Don't be afraid to touch base with your existing clients from time to time. I once met a gentleman who was a confirmed bachelor with no family. A year later I touched base with him to find out his brother had died and had "bequeathed"
Need a speaker for your sales meeting or workshop? Check out www.ChrisCastanes.com
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