Let's assume that you have appointments on your calendar. )If you don't, we'll have to address that in another post.) If you hustle and network pretty well, you can manage to get 3-5 appointments a day on your calendar. And we'll assume that a couple of them will cancel or stand you up, so now you have some downtime. What should you do in that free hour or so you have? Here are some suggestions.
- Set an objective for your next appointment. What is it you plan to achieve in your appointment? If this is your first time meeting the prospect you may just want to introduce yourself and see if there's a need for your product or service. In my world (insurance) I will try to do some fact finding and "open" a case. Whatever your goal is, think of it before you go in willy nilly.
- Evaluate your previous appointment. A good golfer will always take a few seconds after a shot to review and critique themselves. The same goes for you. As yourself basic questions. Did I accomplish what I went in there for? (see #1 above) Did I ask for referrals? Did I get contact information to follow up? It won't take long and if you want, you can even make notes to review later.
- Educate and self-improvement. I spend a lot of time in the car or in front of my computer, and that time can be spent doing something productive. Talk radio and classic rock channels get annoying after a while, so in the car I listen to podcasts or audio books. There's a wide array of topics I enjoy from business stuff to biographies of historical figures.

If you can think of other ways you prefer to spend your time, let us know in the comments section below. We know you'll come up with ideas that will help you succeed because "You're going to be great at this!".
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