A few weeks ago I had a bit of a chat with a local lady who is a connection on LinkedIn. I've only met her a couple of times in the past and don't know her all that well, but I do know that she is well-liked and respected in the community.
From the look of her profile I gather that she's in corporate training, so when she "liked" one of my posts I appreciated it even more. She and I exchanged messages in regard to my memes, which she found to be humorous and I thanked her. Half-jokingly I told her that I was creating the "demotivational sales technique" market.
Her response was priceless. "Own that niche if it resonates with you! I love that. You be you."
Sales people can be very homogeneous. In an age where we're told that we should set ourselves apart from our competitors, do we? The adage of "birds of a feather flock together" should be taken seriously here. Ask yourself what kind of people do you attract? More than likely they're like you, so take the time to figure out how to sell to yourself, then to the type of people you have as a customer base.
For example, I'm a fairly sarcastic funny guy. Not bragging, just saying. Most of my clients are also humorous and enjoy a good PG-13 joke now and again. Needless to say, evangelicals are not a large part of my client base, but there are a few in there.
Again, ask yourself who you would want to buy from and then find those people. It'll be easier than you think!
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