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Bad Sales Manager Part 3 (Dumb Story)

In the previous post I shared how Fred*, had hired me away from one company (where he had previously recruited me) to work at his present insurance company. He had failed to mention that I would have to pay for my training and supplies, which really pissed me off. His lack of honesty and professionalism revealed his true colors. 

What he didn't know was that I was being less than honest as well. I had no plans of staying with this company for the long haul. As a matter of fact, I was in the process of being hired with another company that paid better, had higher standards and was overall a better fit. But I still wasn't going to let Fred get away with being an idiot.

So it was a surprise when he insisted I had to take a drug test. He pulled out an oral swab kit that we would use sometimes when taking life insurance applications. It tests for drugs, as well as a lot of other stuff, by placing the thick cotton swap between your cheek and gum and letting it just sit there for a couple of minutes. Honestly, it tastes horrible and I really didn't want to go through it.

Even though I knew I would pass the drug test with flying colors, I told him I had been hitting the pipe due to some "pain". He was utterly flabbergasted. His dumbass didn't know what to do, so he stuck that swap right into his own mouth. The look on his face was priceless as he looked at me as if to say "do you see how I am going to bat for you?"

I thanked him profusely. "Gee, I didn't expect that!" I said. He pulled that swab out and made a face that showed how horrible it tasted. 

"I wouldn't do that for just anybody," he said. "I figured we had gotten you this far, no use in letting a little drug test mess it up."

I decided right then and there that Fred was a complete moron. How desperate are you when you take a drug test for someone else who has just admitted they used drugs, even though they were lying? 

A week or so later I drove a few hours to the training class that I was paying for and discussed it with Mark*, my new co-worker who had gone through the hiring process at the same time as I. He laughed his ass off when I told him about Fred sitting there with that drug test hanging out of his mouth. "I can't believe you did that to him. Probably the funniest thing I've heard in a long time!"

For the next couple of months I went through the motions selling a couple of policies here and there. As to be expected, the promises made during the hiring process were not all true. For example, I was told that we wouldn't be required to attend weekly sales meetings, when in fact, we were. 

All the while I waiting to hear back from the other company who was doing their background checks. Eventually they called and gave me a date for onboarding.

Typically I would be hesitant when letting a manager know I was bailing on them, but not this time. I savored every moment as I told Fred I was jumping ship after working there for just a few months. He was furious. "You think I'm some sort of a dick, don't you?" he said, angrily having to complete termination paperwork.

"We wouldn't be here doing this if you had been honest with me about having to pay for training, that box of supplies and other stuff." I didn't mention the drug test. 

He huffed and puffed and spat his tobacco juice into an empty plastic soda bottle. I got my belongings and left with a little pep in my step. What comes around goes around.

If you have a story about a bad manager please share it with us. And in the meantime, stay healthy!

Chris Castanes is a professional speaker who helps sales people succeed through workshops and humorous presentations. He's also the author of "You're Going To Be Great At This!", a humorous look at sales. For booking information, click here. He's also the president of Surf Financial Brokers selling life and disability insurance in several states.


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