We all have a specific market that we would like to aim our attention to, be it business owners, single moms, realtors, or some other group of people. For me, as an example, I prefer working with small business owners, but I also do a lot of work with realtors. I didn't go looking for them, but we just have so many realtors in my area that it couldn't be helped. There are times, however, when you find yourself working in a totally different market, That's fine because in the end a sale is a sale. I'm not going to turn away business because the client was not in my business plan. And neither should you. When you do have someone approach you that you had not planned on helping, it's important to remember they may have different needs and budgets than what you are used to. Your usual banter may not be applicable or appropriate when talking to a new group of clients either. A good example of this is when I recently found myself getting referred to several school employe...