I haven't posted a good "dumb story" in a while, which is unusual since I have so many of them to share. To be honest, I nearly forgot about this incident until the person involved came up in conversation a few weeks back when I was having lunch with a former colleague. Here's what happened. Several years ago I was working with a company (I will call them Company A) which had a very limited menu of insurance products to offer. The guy who recruited me, Fred*, was a tobacco chewing good old boy who looked like he couldn't get home fast enough to watch reruns of "Hee Haw". He was a member of the management team and, after meeting the rest of them, I realized this was a great example of "birds of a feather". These guys were all used to door-to-door old school selling in low income areas and expected the rest of us to do the same. Needless to say, I wasn't about to start beating on doors in trailer parks for business. Not that there's anyth...