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Showing posts from February, 2022

Hungry, Hungry Client

While coaching youth sports at the local rec center years ago I met one of the parents on an opposing team. He gave me his business card and a few days later I met him and his business partner for an introductory meeting. Nothing much came from it as they were just starting out with little to no money to spend. I promised to keep in touch.  About a year went by when I ran into Jeff at a local networking function. He said he and his business partner had split up, as there were differences in business philosophies. However he implied that he was now running the business much more successfully by himself. I invited him for a lunch meeting at a local sandwich shop (my treat, of course!) and he accepted. The sandwich shop was in a strip mall. I liked taking people there to meet because it was quiet and reasonably priced. Over the years I've learned the chances of someone buying from me increase if I treat them to a meal or coffee.  Across the parking lot of the strip mall was a chain re